
what is Hawthorn?

Hawthorn always grows up 5 feet tall on hillsides and is is thorny shrub in the rose family.it also can be found in the sunny wooded areas throughout  the world.this herbs bear small berries.meanwhile the leaves are shiny and grow in variety of shapes and sizes. Howthorn also have a small white,red or pink cluster flower.

for medicinal purpose the berries,flower and the leaves of howthorn plant have been used.however most modern preparation use the leaves and flower because it is bealive that that part contain more flavanoids compared to the berries.

its berries

benefits of Hawthorn

1) Lowered blood pressure
  • in one of the study,patient with type-2 diabetes take 1,200mg hawthorn extract daily or placebo and at the same time also taking prescribed medicines for 16 weeks.the result were, patient who take Hawthorn extract  had lowered blood pressure compares to those taking the placebo
  • however there is no enough research to conclude whether hawthorn were effective at lowering the blood pressure.
  • so you should talk with your doctor before take this herbs if you had blood pressure.
2)Heart failure
  • one study found that hawthorn extract(900mg/day) is taken for 2 month was as effective as low doses of captopril(prescription for heart medication) in improving symptoms of heart failure
  • according to research that has been done,hawthorn supplement were effective in 952 peple with heart failure,the study compared the conventional method of treating heart failure with hawthorn alone and with addition to the drugs.after 2 years clinical symptoms for heart failure such as palpitation,breathing problems and fatigue decrease significant lay in people taking hawthorn supplement.besides people who take hawthorn took less medication for their condition.
  • you should bear in your mind that heart failure is a serious condition,so you should ask your doctor before taking the hawthorn supplements.
3) Chest pain
  • one study give 60 people who had suffered chest pain  with 180mg/day of Hawthorn berry leaf flower extract or placebo for three weeks.those who take hawthorn experienced improved blood flow to the heart and can exercise longer without having chest pain.
  • however more study need to be conduct to prove that hawthorn is effective in treating chest pain

precaution when taking this herbs

side effect of the hawthorn very rare, but it may include:
  • headache
  • nauses
  • palpitation
doses that found to be save were from 160 to 1800 mg daily from 3 to 24 weeks.you may not notice any improvement for 6-12 weeks


do not use this herbs when you are pregnant or breastfeeding
it is importance to see any changes when taking hawthorn.if there is no improvement after 6 weeks please see you provider. if you experiencing more pain,more angina attacks or more exhaustion while walking, you should stop taking hawthorn and seek medical attention.

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