Paku Merak (Selaginella plana)

what is Paku Merak(selanigella plana)?

paku merak is medicinal plant that rarely used, either modern or traditional.however small amount of the species are being used as ornamental plant and nusantara there are more than 200 species of selanigella. the highest density and endemism of this plant can be found at papuasia,borneo and philipines. some species of selanigella are still waiting to be discovered meanwhile many of the species waiting to be extinct

selanigella in nusantara have  have small leaves resembling scales with two diffrent size.the smaller ,median leaves in the inner row and the larger lateral leaves in the outer row.selanigella can be found grow at cliffs near springs,waterfalls or small water channel that was humid,wet and somewhat open. this plant tend to grow more during the rainy season

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all part the  of paku merak(selanigella) have medicinal properties.sometimes people only used the leaves. selanigella can be used sigulary or in combination fresh or dried,eaten immediately or cooked before.this herbs are sweetand have a warm effect.

benefits of Paku Merak(selanigella plana)?

  • traditionally used to treat cancer,skin disease, injury ,tretment of post-birth,fever,headache,urinary tract infection and menstrual disordes
  • the dayak in kalimantan use selanigella  to treat bleeding,headache, fever and as well as for skin cancer.
  • the dry leaves of selanigella is smoked like tobacco and also used as paoultice to treat vertigo and toothache by people in northern borneo
  • in Java some species of selanigella were used to treat wounds,post-childbirth,menstrual disorder, and as for tonic
  • meanwhile in sumatra selanigella  are used to counter poison,drug fever,washing blood,mestrual blood purifier,eczema and a drug after childbirth.
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Traditionally utilization of Selaginella; field research and literature review. (2009). Ahmad D.S. Nusantara Bioscience Vol. 1, No. 3, Pp. 146-158

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